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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

NWIDA Adds Prosurety Device Protection as Latest Vendor Partner

Prosurety - NWIDAToday, we’re happy to announce that Prosurety has joined the Association as a Vendor Partner. This partnership brings a valuable new mobile phone protection program to NWIDA member’s customers, offering comprehensive coverage and the opportunity for significant additional revenue.

Prosurety offers mobile phone protection that covers accidental damage such as drops, spills, and cracks, and supports BYOD and CPO devices. NWIDA members can earn 20% of the suggested retail price each month on customers who subscribe to the warranty offering.. Prosurety and NWIDA partner with repair shops, agent locations, MVNOs, MVNEs, and other wireless companies to offer seamless protection and service.

The Prosurety Mobile Phone Protection program creates a steady stream of recurring revenue with a 20% margin to NWIDA members, offering a compelling opportunity for members. The protection also fosters greater customer loyalty and satisfaction by providing coverage for mechanical and electrical failures after the OEM warranty expires. Additionally, the program covers power surges and accidental damage from handling including drops, spills, and cracks.

To learn more, click here

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