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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Not the Same Target Market??

NWIDA T-Mobile Sprint MergerThis hit the newswires yesterday:

In response to a question, the executives stated that New T-Mobile will retain T-Mobile’s and Sprint’s current prepaid brands as they target different types of customers. Moreover, since New T-Mobile will be incentivized to fill its expansive capacity, it will offer attractive plans to MVNOs,

My response?




Come on guys (and gals)… I speak to Boost dealers every week. Each and every time I ask them the same question

Where is the closest Metro PCS store to your Boost Store?”

The answers range from “I’m looking at them” to “about a mile away.”

About a mile. That’s the farthest I’ve heard.

Did you see the Boost marketing over Labor Day weekend? Each Boost store was told to go stand outside and hand out flyers. But not outside their store.

Outside a Metro PCS store.

And do it until you’re thrown out of the area.

They’re not targeting the same customer? Seriously?

OK T-Mo, I want a detailed difference between the two potential customers. Because otherwise this just doesn’t ring true to me.




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