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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

MobileX Announces Dealer Program

MobileX Verizon NWIDAJust after launching in over 3,700 Walmart stores MobileX has announced a new indirect dealer program. 

“I have been fighting for dealers since the Sprint T-Mobile merger as they are an essential part of the ecosystem. Without them, consumers won’t have the access that they need. The continued consolidation of MVNOs coupled with the ever-changing compensation structures from the big three major carriers poses a significant risk to small, independent wireless dealers. As one of the few remaining independent MVNOs in the industry, MobileX allows dealers to retain the power to diversify and protect their revenue streams,” stated Peter Adderton, founder and CEO of MobileX. “We built MobileX to provide customers the freedom to choose where they shop for their wireless service and how they prefer to pay, and we are committed to ensuring accessibility and connectivity for all customers including those traditionally underserved.”

Dealers in the MobileX network will be able to offer customers exclusive, customized plans as well as assist customers with service onboarding, maintenance, troubleshooting, payment and more. Dealers interested in joining the MobileX program can complete a form on the Mobile X website. 

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