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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

What Did Legere Say at Sprint? We Have it All…

John Legere - NWIDAFull transcript: Here’s what T-Mobile’s John Legere told Sprint’s town hall meeting

Sprint recently held a town-hall meeting – and T-Mobile head John Legere was there. FierceWireless has the entire transcript (link below) but here are some tidbits…

My main ask to John when we did this merger was that we are going to choose the best employee for the jobs,” Claure said during the town hall meeting. “T-Mobile employees doesn’t automatically get a job; Sprint employees don’t automatically get a job. We are going to choose who is the best person that is suited to do specific jobs, and that is a big deal.


This is going to allow us to compete head to head with Verizon and AT&T, all over America, for every type of customers, whether it’s the government customers, whether it’s large or small enterprises, whether it’s consumers, whether it’s postpaid, whether it’s prepaid, whether it’s wholesale. This will allow us to have an amazing product that is going to make this market more competitive.  – John Legere


…your question was an assumption that I wouldn’t go to. You know, it was like in addition to the prepaid market. You know, we’ve been very clear so far that we believe that the company, as designed, is the way that this transaction should be viewed and — with staying, you know, all the way through it. The Department of Justice, as you know, is — again, 25 million pages worth of information, tremendous modeling. And they’re going to be looking at what’s the real impact, you know, on capacity, on pricing. Can you prove what’s going to happen associated with this? And those are the pieces that we feel very comfortable about. From a — from an employee standpoint, I don’t think there’s anything we need people to do. – John Legere

Click here to read the entire article.

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