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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Did You Know (Repair Day)

We already mentioned that #REPAIRDAY is coming! But!

Did you know there is a new TV series – Consumer Reports TV will have a feature on repairing cell-phone glass? It airs on Repair Day (October 20) on NBC. Click HERE for more details:

Jack Rico - Consumer Reports TV - Repair Day - NWIDA

Host Jack Rico is on a mission to rid microscopic pollutants from the air in homes; he helps out in a laboratory that tests vacuum cleaners; and finds out whether it’s worth trying to repair a smartphone screen one’s self.

NWIDA is a supporter of and #RightToRepair and #FairRepair Laws. We ask all our members to contact their state and local representatives to see what they’re doing about Right to Repair.

Repair Day / from NWIDA

And remember, to take and post pictures of your repair work and tag them #RepairDay!

Also, invite your state representatives to a site visit in celebration of repair.  Most representatives are running for election and always want a forum to meet and greet constituents.   It’s a great media opportunity for your store as well!

We look forward to seeing your posts!

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.

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