We already mentioned that #REPAIRDAY is coming! But!
Did you know there is a new TV series – Consumer Reports TV will have a feature on repairing cell-phone glass? It airs on Repair Day (October 20) on NBC. Click HERE for more details:
Host Jack Rico is on a mission to rid microscopic pollutants from the air in homes; he helps out in a laboratory that tests vacuum cleaners; and finds out whether it’s worth trying to repair a smartphone screen one’s self.
NWIDA is a supporter of Repair.org and #RightToRepair and #FairRepair Laws. We ask all our members to contact their state and local representatives to see what they’re doing about Right to Repair.
And remember, to take and post pictures of your repair work and tag them #RepairDay!
Also, invite your state representatives to a site visit in celebration of repair. Most representatives are running for election and always want a forum to meet and greet constituents. It’s a great media opportunity for your store as well!
We look forward to seeing your posts!
NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.
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