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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Legere Out

He’s done it again.

During the merger process, John Legere announced he would step down as CEO of T-Mobile on May 1. But, he left a month early, resigning that position on April 1 – the day the merger closed.

The plan was for John to stay on T-Mo’s Board of Directors. Which he did. Until the other day.

John Legere - NWIDALegere is now completely out at T-Mobile, resigning that position to “pursue other options” – whatever they are. Perhaps Celebrity Chef?

The 8K filed, announcing the retirement said:

“Mr. Legere noted that he was not resigning because of any disagreement with management or the board on any matter,” T-Mobile said in its note, which also contained a quote from Legere addressed to the company and its employees:

And, in his notice to the company, Mr. Legere stated:

It has been a privilege and honor to have led T-Mobile as CEO for the past seven and a half years and served on the Board of Directors. And although I will be leaving the Board just a few weeks earlier than planned, be assured that I remain T-Mobile’s #1 fan!

So, John – what’s next?

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