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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Gadget Repair Expo Wrap Up

Howdy and hello from MCO airport! We’ve just completed Gadget Repair Expo 3.0 in Orlando, and I wanted to share a bit in case you didn’t get to the show (and you should definitely get to the next one!)

Aimed squarely at the repair community, GRE is establishing itself as a “must go” show in the industry. We had a great turn-out, met with some great new vendors (foreshadowing – look for some new NWIDA benefits soon) and (outside of a small coffee shortage on Day 1) I’d say it was an EXCELLENT show!

It was really great to meet some of our repair members (and get new ones) – as well as bring you some of our current Partners (like Box Top Buzz and Protect My Phone.) Nothing beats talking to our members (and potential members) in person, and showing them some of the benefits NWIDA brings to sales AND repair shops.

So, it’s back in the office tomorrow, and we hope to see all of you in just a few months in Las Vegas at the All Wireless/Prepaid Expo!


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