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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

FCC Sets Next Dish Wireless Requirement

Dish logo - NWIDAThe FCC has set the next target for Dish Wireless to achieve in their deployment of their 5G network. Earlier this week, Dish and the FCC confirmed Dish had met a pair of initial commitments – coverage of 70%+ of the US Population and passing the “drive test” process to prove compliance. 

The FCC found that “Dish has met its band-specific 5G commitments and two of its three nationwide 5G commitments” and has activated at least 15,000 5G sites and that at least 30MHz of Dish’s spectrum averaged over all of Dish’s 5G sites deployed nationwide.

The next requirement is for Dish Wireless to conduct drives tests to prove its network can deliver minimum downlink data rates of 35Mb/s across at least 70 per cent of the US population. They have 6 months to complete this task.

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