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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Eternity Wireless joins NWIDA – Huge New Vendor Partner Announcement!

Eternity Wireless Joins the National Wireless Independent Dealer Association (NWIDA)

Wireless Accessories and Product company becomes the latest Vendor Partner, offering discounts to members.

The National Wireless Independent Dealer Association Launches (NWIDA), the only organization for the independent wireless dealer has announced that Eternity Wireless has joined as its latest Vendor Partners.

Looking for Wireless Accessories? Look at Eternity Wireless - a NWIDA Vendor PartnerEternity Wireless, founded in 2001, is the market leader for more than 10 years and distribute OEMs, branded and aftermarket accessories. They carry a wide range of brand name products including cases, batteries, cables, chargers, screen protection, smart home devices and more.

Eternity Wireless will provide NWIDA members a credit of $25 (off orders over $150) or $50 (off orders over $250) and then 10% off every subsequent order.

To read the entire Press Release, please click HERE.

To join NWIDA and start saving over $6000, click HERE.

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