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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Dish Goes Live in Las Vegas

Dish logo - NWIDADish Wireless has launched its first market in Las Vegas. 

Customers signing up for our network pay $30 per month, and service includes truly unlimited Smart 5G data, talk and text. Additionally, we include unique perks, such as exclusive access to the Project Genesis app and a white-glove delivery experience.

“Our first commercial phone, the Motorola Edge+, a premium and feature-stacked smartphone, will sell at the MSRP of $899.99.” 

said a Dish spokesperson to Fierce Wireless. (link)

Dish’s Project Genesis, is a new website providing information about their 5G network. 

As of now, the Motorola phone is the only phone that can operate on the network.

Dish’s 5G coverage includes almost every Las Vegas zip code, and Henderson, Nevada. Consumers interested in signing up can use the Project Genesis website and check their zip code for coverage.

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