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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Dish Buys Ting

Dish logo - NWIDADISH Network today announced that it has chosen Tucows as a technology partner for its retail wireless business – and has part of the deal has acquired Ting Mobile assets, including customer relationships, from Tucows.

Effective August 1, 2020, most Ting Mobile customers across the U.S. became customers of DISH. These customers will continue to use their current phones and will enjoy the same rates and customer experience.

In mobile, Tucows will focus on growing its MSE business, providing functions including billing, activation, provisioning, and funnel marketing to mobile providers. DISH is the first Tucows mobile technology customer.

Following is a statement on the agreement by Elliot Noss, Tucows CEO:
“DISH has acquired a well-loved mobile brand, a loyal customer base and a proven platform. Tucows will now refocus our mobile business on building and maintaining platforms that simplify complex systems while still maintaining strong, consistent cash flows. Ting Mobile customers will surely reap the rewards of a better cost structure, and the U.S. mobile industry has an aggressive competitor in DISH, a company well-positioned to disrupt the industry.”

Following is a statement by John Swieringa, Group President, Retail Wireless and DISH COO:
“Today, we welcome Ting Mobile customers to DISH. Ting Mobile is a great brand that stands for better value in wireless, and we are eager to begin delivering our award-winning customer service to Ting subscribers. Our agreement with Tucows will accelerate our digital and operational capabilities in wireless. Elliot and his team have a strong track record as entrepreneurs and innovators, and we are excited to partner with them on our wireless venture.”


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