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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Boost Sheds MVNO Title

New Boost NWIDA

Boost Mobile is getting closer to meeting FCC coverage deadlines by the end of the year and has claimed the title of MNO (Mobile Network Operator) instead of MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator.)

Boost is required to meet specific milestones in its 5G network buildout. The deadline last June was that Boost needed to cover 70% of the US population, and by the end of the year, it must reach 80%. According to Boost’s CTO, Eben Albertyn, the company is on track to meet this goal, having activated over 20,000 of the 24,000 cell sites it promised to deploy by June 2025.

However, covering 80% of the population is one thing; providing service to customers on that network is another. Boost’s Director of Communications, Meredith Diers, mentioned that the company has migrated over half a million customers onto its network and core since the beginning of the year. New customers in covered areas are also directly loaded onto the network, provided they have a compatible phone.

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