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Boost selling Cox internet at retail stores

COX = NWIDAAccording to Fierce Wireless (article link below) Boost started selling prepaid internet service from Cox Communications in two markets this month as it evaluates the potential for a broader distribution agreement in the cable operator’s service area.

“Beginning this month, Boost Mobile will trial Straight Up Internet from Cox Communications in select Boost Mobile stores within the Las Vegas and Phoenix markets,” Jay Miglionico, VP of Boost Sales, “After a short time period, we will evaluate a potential storewide launch within the Cox footprint.”

As the fourth-largest U.S. cable operator, Cox serves around 6.5 million customers. Wave7 principal Jeff Moore said he could see the logic, noting Boost’s retail store footprint (5600+) versus Cox’s roughly 130 stores.Offering prepaid internet from Cox follows an earlier deal to sell Xfinity prepaid internet at retail stores in those markets. The pattern is part of what makes the new move with Cox important in Moore’s view.

“Boost has quietly been selling Xfinity Prepaid Internet since 2017 in their stores and we’re still seeing that happen,” he said. Miglionico noted the Cox program “is similar to our established relationships with other prepaid internet providers such as Xfinity.”“We are always looking for ways to help our retailers monetize their store traffic not only through our own products, but also products from partners that fit our targeted demographic,” Miglionico said.

In 2020, Cox said it was “exploring wireless more aggressively” but did not comment on plans to operate as an MVNO even as it staffed up, hiring industry veteran GS Sickand as VP of Wireless Engineering.

Entire article here.

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