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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Assurant Buys CPR

Assurant announced it has acquired CPR – (Cell Phone Repair), one of the largest global franchisors of mobile device repair stores with more than 700 locations.

“Acquiring CPR is a part of our ongoing efforts to improve the customer experience by expanding options for service and support where, when and how consumers want,” said Manny Becerra, president for Global Connected Living at Assurant. “Assurant also is committed to helping CPR franchisees diversify their businesses through new products and services.”

CPR will continue to operate as a standalone company.

“Franchisees will gain the benefits from Assurant’s financial strength and expertise in connected devices to help differentiate and grow their businesses, while providing a superior customer experience,” said John Davies, founder of the Merrymeeting Group. “Plus, as an innovative, fast-growing mobile support and protection provider, Assurant is well-positioned to help continuously drive new traffic to CPR stores.”

Read the entire article here.

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