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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

ANOTHER T-Mobile Data Breach

T-Mobile _ NWIDAA hacking group called Lapsus$ has claimed they’ve breached T-Mobile.

It’s the 7th time in 4 years that T-Mobile has been hacked. Journalist Brian Krebs, first reported this one, has obtained a week’s worth of private chat messages between the members of Lapsus$. The messages were sent in a private Telegram channel. 

The messages show Lapsus$ accessed T-Mobile’s network via compromised employee accounts.

The hackers were able to carry out SIM-swap attacks and were able to reassign a cell phone number to a device under their control. This allowed them to intercept phone calls and text messages that can be used to obtain two-factor authentication codes and hack into other customer accounts like banking. 

“Several weeks ago, our monitoring tools detected a bad actor using stolen credentials to access internal systems that house operational tools software,” per T-Mobile’s statement. “Our systems and processes worked as designed, the intrusion was rapidly shut down and closed off, and the compromised credentials used were rendered obsolete.”

T-Mobile has confirmed 6 previous data breaches since 2018. 


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