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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

We had questions about Q-Link – So we asked and got answers

Boost mobile logo - BOOST MOBILE SETS END OF LIFE DATE FOR 3G DEVICE ACTIVATIONS - NWIDAWhen we saw the article that Q-Link Wireless was going to bid for Boost Mobile, we had questions. Today we received our answers.

First our questions:

Would they keep the dealers?
If so, would they grow the dealer network?
Would they keep the brand?

So we reached out to Issa Asad, founder and CEO of Florida-based Q-Link Wireless.  Today we got our answers. This came from a spokesman for the company, Dan Weinbach, with The Weinbach Group directly (the bold and italics are ours):

Regarding your specific questions about Boost’s retail presence, Q Link recognizes that Boost’s retail distribution model has been an effective approach to growing its customer base, and in this regard, we anticipate maintaining the company’s retail presence. In addition, Q Link brings expertise effectively enrolling customers through our online platform, and we will certainly leverage that expertise to augment Boost’s brick-and-mortar footprint.

As for rebranding, Boost has enormous brand equity, so we would seek to maintain its identity as a household name in the prepaid and wireless arena.

So there you have it. If successful, Q-Link will keep the dealers, add an on-line portion and keep the Boost name and brand.

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