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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Verizon Releases 5G Pricing Plans

Verizon - 5G - - NWIDARonan Dunne, EVP and Group CEO at Verizon recently spoke at an investor conference and mentioned the carriers plans for pricing access to it’s 5G network.

Dunne said it will charge consumers a premium for the faster speeds offered by its mmWave network, but won’t charge for the low-band service.

He added Verizon is looking at opportunities to further segment 5G tariffs,

“specifically in areas like separating latency and potentially creating a gamer’s package that allows people to get higher levels of experience within the games they enjoy”.

Verizon first said it would charge extra for 5G when it launched its mmWave service in April 2019, but at the time made no mention of plans for spectrum-based pricing.

Dunne reiterated the plan to launch nationwide 5G by the end of 2020. He also noted:

“until now we haven’t had more than about mid-50s per cent of our spectrum actually allocated to LTE, so we have a number of tools in our arsenal to build out incremental capacity to optimise the network”.


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