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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Verizon Purchases Small Carrier (CVCC)

Verizon - 5G - - NWIDAAccording to LightReading (link below) Verizon appears to have acquired the 4G network and spectrum of Missouri’s Chariton Valley Communications Corporation (CVCC). 

“The proposed transaction includes the assignment of the identified [spectrum] licenses and the LTE operating network, including LTE network assets and facilities…  The… transaction will expand Verizon Wireless’s coverage and service into markets that Verizon Wireless does not currently serve. (It)… will provide Verizon Wireless with additional spectrum capacity, which will help it to meet future demands of its customers for broadband wireless services in the markets,” the companies wrote. “Chariton Valley’s customers will be given advance notice of the proposed transaction. Chariton Valley will advise its approximately 7,300 customers of the sale to Verizon Wireless in the affected markets and release its customers from their service contracts.”

Verizon said it will provide those stranded customers with “incentives” to switch to Verizon’s network.

Verizon has also recently purchased other regional wireless network operators in the recent past, including Triangle Mobile (Monanta), Bluegrass Cellular (Kentucky), Chat Mobility (Iowa) and Blue Wireless (NY and PA.) 

Most of the companies were also members of Verizon’s LTE in Rural America program, which was expanded their coverage using rural network operators. That program spanned 18 carriers in 2019, covering a total of about 2.5 million people.

This deal is somewhat unique, however. CVCC is also selling some of its spectrum licenses to AT&T and UScellular.

Specifically, FCC filings show CVCC is exiting its fixed wireless Internet, and will sell the 700MHz spectrum it was using for that service to AT&T. CVCC confirmed it will shut down its fixed wireless Internet offering and will focus on fiber service. UScellular will pick up some of CVCC’s PCS spectrum licenses.

Link to original article. 


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One comment on “Verizon Purchases Small Carrier (CVCC)

Joshua richard bailey

I have a Samsung AO2 and it was straight talk I’m trying to go Verizon ,I bought a 50 plain that said use for all your prepaid services , Problem is I tried to switch it has been two months I haven’t got to use it yet can some one help


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