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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

The Lawsuit Begins

Today, the Attorneys General of numerous states begin their lawsuit to stop the T-Mobile/Sprint merger. The case is the last hurdle for the carriers to overcome, before their $26.5 billion merger can proceed

The AGs have laid out their opening statements. A quote in Reuter’s (from the court filing) states:

These higher prices would fall hardest on the credit-challenged and low-income consumers who have benefited the most from the competition between Sprint and T-Mobile,

The law suit is being led by New York and California, who oppose the merger on a number of levels.  They claim the merger that it would reduce competition and impact negatively on local employment opportunities.

T-Mobile and Sprint have been going State to State, cutting concessions to reassure and appease the disgruntled States. The companies have also promised to provide free mobile hotspots for up to 10 million low income families in the US, as they try to gain final approval for the proposed merger.

The trial is expected to continue until the middle of February 2020. T-Mobile and Sprint have already secured the required regulatory approval from the FCC and the Department of Justice.

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