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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association


Thanks - NWIDASometimes, you have to commend yourself (“toot your own horn” as it were.) 

Sometimes, very nice people say very nice things about you.

“I have had the pleasure of working with Adam Wolf, President of NWIDA (National Wireless Independent Dealer Association) for several years now. Adam has been a real asset for our company and me; he is quick to respond to calls, emails and always willing to help. More importantly, he is super-knowledgable about the industry…  To sum it up, the entire team at NIWDA has just been exceptional. It’s a real pleasure to work with an organization that really values and listens to its members. Whether you are currently operating or looking to join the wireless industry, in either case, I would encourage you to join NWIDA.  

Boost Mobile by Mr. Quick Loan Inc.

NWIDA has been terrific to work with and has provided PCS Partners with many resources and countless connections.  Adam Wolf and Team have provided wonderful advice through the years and we know we can count on the NWIDA to help us navigate the various challenges that come up for wireless Dealers.  NWIDA is also a very effective advocate for the Dealer community.  We’re proud to be a member of NWIDA

Best Regards,
PCS Partners

 Thank you guys! It’s much appreciated!!

– Adam

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.
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