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T-Mobile Really Wanted (Wants?) to Merge With…

4According to an article on The Verge (link below) an internal T-Mobile document, that has been made public due to the on-going lawsuit, T-Mobile really had (has?) plans to merge with a cable company – potentially Comcast. You can see the chart referenced below.

Called Defining a winning position for the US business model,  the report was created in December 2015,  and was meant to give an overview of the company’s market position in advance of a meeting among senior members of leadership.

The report, which is labeled as “confidential” throughout, suggests T-Mobile owner Deutsche Telecom bet heavily on the US wireless market, where the company saw less regulation and higher ARPU than in Europe.

T-Mobile had positioned itself for a “4>3” merger with Sprint, which it saw as a “natural strategic move” that was being blocked by regulation. In 2015 T-Mobile was uncertain about whether such a merger would be allowed. Tom Wheeler, then chairman of the FCC, was seen as skeptical of consolidation in the wireless market.

But even in light of those reservations, the document concludes the company should position itself for two separate mergers — first a consolidating merger with Sprint, then a broader merger with a cable company like Comcast.

You can read the entire article here

Merger - NWIDA

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