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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

T-Mobile asking California for some breaks

According to an article on TMoNews (link below) T-Mobile sent a letter to the CPUC asking it to relax three of the conditions tied to its merger approval, including the requirement that T-Mo provide 5G speeds of at least 300Mbps to 93 percent of California’s population by the end of 2024. T-Mobile wants that pushed back to 2026.

T-Mobile said that the 2024 date was a proxy for a period ending 6 years after the merger closed. But the deal’s regulatory process began in 2018 and didn’t actually closed until 2020, so T-Mobile wants it pushed back 2 years.

They also say the 300Mbps is “out of sync” with the other requirements. T-Mo wants to move the 300Mbps requirement to year-end 2026 to “avoid anomalous results”.

Another change is the requirement that within 3 years, the carrier add 1,000 new jobs in California compared to the number of T-Mobile and Sprint employees at the time of the CPUC’s approval. Instead, T-Mo wants the requirement to be that it will have the same number of employees 3 years after the merger’s closure than it did when it closed.

Neither the CPUC nor T-Mobile have issued official statements about T-Mo’s request. However, the Communication Workers of America (CWA) union has come out swinging, saying that the new T-Mobile is “all talk, no action.”

You can read T-Mobile’s full letter at the CPUC link here.

Read the entire article here

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