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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association



We are thrilled to announce the addition of T-CETRA, to the NWIDA member family.

T-Cetra is a top Technology Service Provider (TSP) and they specialize in creating innovative payment solutions for independent wireless dealers and underserved, cash-preferred customers. With the help of big-name partners like TracFone, Verizon, and Ultra Mobile, T-CETRA services all aspects of the prepaid industry, from MNOs to MVNOs, utility companies to long-distance service providers, all the way to the cash-paying end customer.

The company is most well-known for its flagship product, VIDAPAY. The VIDAPAY portal gives dealers a unique, integrated solution for managing wireless top-ups and activations, customized incentives, commissions, bill payment, and handset ordering via one streamlined platform. The associated VIDAPAY Marketplace offers flexible terms on all products purchased, competitive margins, unbeatable rebates, and an unmatched selection of handsets ranging from flip phones to iPhones. VIDAPAY is currently in use by over 80 million subscribers and counting. VIDAPAY’s subscribers enjoy hassle-free returns and superior customer service seven days a week.

Abdul Akel, founder and CEO of T-CETRA, said of the partnership:

“Joining the NWIDA is a natural move for T-CETRA, as our core value aligns perfectly with serving the independent wireless dealer. We are looking forward to making a difference in helping NWIDA strengthen the network of wireless dealers. We strongly believe that the independent wireless retail stores we service are essential fixtures in neighborhoods across the country. They fill a vital gap that no other store or corporation can fill, and their contributions to their communities go beyond just wireless. We’re dedicated to doing everything we can to empower these independent wireless dealers and provide them with the tools they need to better serve their customers. And a membership with the NWIDA will definitely help us achieve that.”

You can read the entire Press Release here – TCETRA-NWIDA Press Release_8.13.20


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