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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Sprint / T-Mobile Amend their Agreement

Per an email from Sprint CEO Michel Combes, Sprint and T-Mobile have amended their Business Combination Agreement, or “BCA”

Both boards of directors approved the amendment, and details can be found in our joint press release with T-Mobile and in the Form 8-K filed by Sprint.

Per Combes, the exchange ratio hasn’t changed and Sprint shareholders will still receive an exchange ratio of 9.75 Sprint shares for each T-Mobile US share.

What he didn’t say was what HAD changed.

Combes went on to say the largest remaining step is a decision from the California PUC  and they are working closely to complete the process as quickly as possible.

He finished with a bit of a tease…

Securing the BCA is the moment we have waited for to ensure we are fully aligned before we announce the new senior leadership team. I expect you will hear those names very soon, and I am quite pleased that the new company will include a strong mix of leaders from T-Mobile and Sprint.

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