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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Sprint Sets End of Life for CDMA (for MVNOs too)

Sprint Sets End of Life for CDMA (for MVNOs too) - NWIDASprint has set the End of Life for CDMA (for MVNOs too)

NWIDA has been able to confirm with numerous Sprint MVNOs, that MAY 1 is the end of life date for all CDMA activations.

Verizon declared their date months ago (story here) but this is the first time we’ve been able to confirm with multiple MVNOs.

Of course, all US wireless providers are moving towards 5G based systems and the end of CDMA as we know it in the US is another step in that direction. This marks the end of the beginning of digital in the US as now both TDMA and CDMA are going, going, gone.

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2 comments on “Sprint Sets End of Life for CDMA (for MVNOs too)


Your article mentions that CDMA activations would end on May 1st. When will CDMA only devices cease to function altogether on Sprint? For instance, Verizon has given a definitive date of January 1st 2020 as end of life for CDMA.


Sprint has not announced this date yet.


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