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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

ROK Loses Verizon Contract – Updated

Word on the street is that Verizon has terminated ROK Mobile’s MVNO contract and their customers are “off line.”

Confirmed by Fierce Wireless.

Rok Mobile has decided not to move forward with utilizing Verizon Wireless service on our platform,” Rok said in a statement to FierceWireless. “Unfortunately, this has caused an inconvenience for our customers and since July 30th we have been in the process of notifying them to port to a different carrier. Customers who are impacted may contact our customer support by email at to discuss their account status. We will continue to support our other wireless carriers and those customers that are on that service.”

Verizon HAS terminated ROK and shut off their subscribers. ROK VZW customers need to be ported out.

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2 comments on “ROK Loses Verizon Contract – Updated

Thanks for posting this! If you’ve got dealers looking for porting instructions to leave ROK Mobile, we’ve published the info. Keep up the great work with NWIDA!


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