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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Our New Article Series – Our Partners

Today, we’re starting a new series of articles, focusing on our partners.

You can find these on LinkedIn but we’ll also post them here. So let’s start:

Each post will highlight one of our partners, what they do, and how they help us assist the independent wireless dealer.

Today, we’re talking about Eternity Wireless.

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Eternity Wireless is a electronic device accessory distributor, founded in 2001 and located in Iowa. They not only to provide their customers with the best service in the industry, but support their success by being a one-stop shop resource for superior quality products. They also provide competitive pricing year after year. Eternity’s relationship with their customers has helped build and maintain their success. They strive at exceeding customer’s expectations!

Eternity Wireless’ works closely with valued brand partners and you to build a tailored support program. While their largest category is mobile phone accessories they are steadily growing supported accessories for tablets, watches, MacBook computers, electronic devices, adapters and CE product.

If you’re looking to add accessories to your store or repair shop, give Eternity Wireless a call.

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