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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

NWIDA Adds Bold Display & Design as Latest Vendor Partner

Bold Display - NWIDAToday, we’re pleased to announce a new NWIDA member benefit.

Bold Displays & Design has signed on with NWIDA, providing our members with store furniture, fixtures and design work.

Today’s wireless store needs to look sleek and modern, as well as be as functional as possible. Gary and his team do that and more. No matter if you’re looking for a complete design, or simply need a new counter or display case, we can now extend our buying power and save our members money.

Gary Tinsley, President of Bold Displays and Design stated:

“Our design team has extensive wireless shop experience. With just 3 simple steps, we can provide in-store designs and build-out specs. We’re excited to partner with NWIDA and its members. We’ve provided in-store solutions to the wireless industry for years and look forward to offering outstanding service and support before, during and after the purchase. “


NWIDA members will receive a 10% discount AND free design services.

For more information, please click to Store Furniture & Desgin (


NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance. If you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.
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