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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Merger takes another tiny step forward as CA AG Agrees

NWIDA BecceraAnother small step in the T-Mobile Sprint merger has taken place, as the “new T-Mobile” reached a settlement with California Attorney General Xavier Becerra.

Becerra, co-led a coalition of 14 states in an unsuccessful attempt to end the merger in court. James announced last month she would not pursue an appeal after a judge ruled in the mergers favor. Now, California’s has settled, with a package that formalizes promises T-Mobile made in November 2019, requiring it to offer low-cost plans in the state for at least five years, and 100GB of free broadband and Wi-Fi hotspot access to low-income households. The combined company must also offer all current staff “substantially similar employment”.

The operators have also committed to open a new customer service center in California, and promised the total number of employees in the state three years after the deal’s close will meet or exceed today’s number.

Additionally, T-Mobile agreed to reimburse California and other coalition states up to $15 million for the cost of litigation challenging the merger.

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