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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Is 2020 Done Yet?

Thank you NWIDATo say 2020 was “challenging” may be the understatement of all time. It has challenged us in ways we never expected, it has also proven that the wireless world is an unstoppable force. Providing critical communications – not only between businesses, but to help keep our sanity by allowing us to keep in contact with each other. Even just to say “hello.” We provide the connections – something we need now more than ever.

Throughout the year, we saw an incredible and heartwarming show of strength. Our members and other independent wireless dealers and services stepped up when the large corporate owned stores closed. Working countless hours, and having their commissions cut – and in some cases losing money – you kept this country running and communicating. You helped drive the “learn from home” and “work from home” efforts that every city and town in this great country had to navigate.

We know that many of you have put plans on hold this year, but we’ve loved watching you share your experiences across social media.

We are all looking forward to a better 2021. NWIDA will be bigger, better and stronger in 2021. We have new member benefits rolling out soon, including those involving health-care, better marketing, and more discounts on the products and services you use every day.  Of course, we’d love to hear from you on what YOU want in YOUR association. Just click here to email me and let me know what benefits you want to see in 2021.

As we finally put to bed this year that’s been unlike any other, I wanted to say a THANK YOU! Thank you for being part of our industry, and part of NWIDA.

– Adam on behalf of the Board of Directors and Advisers



NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.
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