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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Industry Analyst Drops Merger Odds to 55%

Sprint / T-Mobile Merger (NWIDA)A Raymond James analyst has lowered its odds of the Sprint / T-Mobil;e deal getting approved from 85% to 55%.

“We had hoped to see significantly more state AGs reach agreements with T-Mobile and drop out of the state AG lawsuit opposing the merger,” wrote analyst Ric Prentiss of Raymond James. “But as the trial started Monday, there were still 14 democratic state AGs, including D.C., suing to block the deal.”

After 20 months of merger review, Prentiss is encouraged that Judge Marrero started the case by asking both parties to skip opening arguments, trim witness lists to avoid redundancy and wrap up witness testimonies quickly.

At one point in the trial, Sprint’s VP of Network Development/Engineering Jay Bluhm was asked what the network challenges said about Sprint’s future. Blumn responded that Sprint will “cease to be viable within the next two years.”

Stay tuned…

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