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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Here’s What 5G is Really For

T-Mobile _ NWIDAT-Mobile has signed a deal with their hometown of Bellevue, WA to provide
C-V2X connectivity – and it’s what 5G is REALLY all about.

C-V2X is Cellular – Vehicle to Everything and basically it means your car (and everyone else’s) can talk to each other and other devices – like traffic lights, cameras, etc. Estimates put it at over 1 million cars with the technology (you probably didn’t even know your car has it) and car companies like Ford have been installing it in every car since 2022.

In the project, Bellevue will evaluate various C-V2X use cases by employing: compatible T-Mobile equipment, along with its 5G network, IoT products, technical integration and testing capabilities.

Bellvue will assess the technology’s potential to improve road safety across all forms of transport by enabling vehicles and traffic infrastructure to trade information and create notifications.

A T-Mobile representative told Mobile World Live the project uses its LTE CAT-M infrastructure, which works on all of its 4G bands, for the C-V2X element.

Remember, 5G (and 6G – yes they’re working on it) was never built for the consumer product. No one cares if you can download a movie 30 seconds faster. It’s things like THIS that 5G was created for. 

You can see me talk about 5G and things like C-V2X below:

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