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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Google Fi Encouraging Non-VoLTE Device Users to Switch With $100 Credit Offer

Google FI - NWIDASince Google Fi can no longer activate non VoLTE phones (or can pretty much anyone else) as of January 1, Google wants to encourage its customers to switch to a VoLTE device. Therefore, they are giving customers a $100 credit to upgrade their devices. 

In order to qualify for the $100 bill credit, you need to have a non-VoLTE phone that has been active on Google Fi as of December 3rd. Chances are, you may have already received an email from Google stating your eligibility under this promotion.

Google has not given a hard cutoff date on when non-VoLTE devices will stop working, but they do say that it will work in the “near term”. Still, this is a pretty good offer from Google Fi so you can save some money when you upgrade your device. 

In August, Google already stopped activating 2G and 3G phones. And now that it is running this offer for non-VoLTE users to make the switch, it only means that 3G will soon be a thing of the past. 

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