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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Google Ads and the Repair Industry – Update

Recently, Google has updated their policy for blocking/stopping ads for 3rd party repair facilities – (see our article here) – and it’s not good news.

Google posted (here) that:

Our testing shows that the potential for ads that lead to abusive or misleading offline experiences in this category is still too high. As a result, we have decided to continue to block ads for third- party tech support providers until we are more confident we have a solution that will better protect our users from harm. Note: We do allow advertising for the sale of consumer technology where the landing page might contain navigational features related to technical support.

However, the post also states:

That’s why in the coming months, we will roll out a verification program to ensure that only legitimate providers of third-party tech support can use our platform to reach consumers.

NWIDA will continue to work with Google to implement this verification program and get our repair partners back on track with Google Ads.

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.
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