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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Dish Names new Boost Mobile Boss

New Boost Logo - NWIDADISH taps wireless innovator and FreedomPop founder Stephen Stokols to lead Boost Mobile

DIsh announced today that Stephen Stokols will join its executive leadership team. Stokols, who most recently served as founder and CEO of FreedomPop, will serve as executive vice president of Boost Mobile. In this role, he will be responsible for sales, marketing, go-to-market strategy and operations of the Boost business.

It was unclear at post-time what this means for David “DK” Kim and his role at Boost.

“Stephen’s growth mindset, relentless energy and history of disruption in the consumer wireless business make him the right leader to take the helm of Boost Mobile,” said John Swieringa, DISH group president, Retail Wireless and COO. “From his roots driving transformation in telecom to his entrepreneurial spirit, Stephen brings a combination of experience and ingenuity that will be instrumental in serving our Boost Mobile customers and team.”

Prior to joining DISH, Stokols served as founder and CEO of FreedomPop, the disruptive MVNO that delivered free data to millions of Americans and first launched many of the value-added services that wireless consumers enjoy today. Stokols also brings a unique blend of entrepreneurial success and executive leadership at the large carrier level. Prior to founding FreedomPop, Stokols served as VP at British Telecom (BT), where he helped drive over $1 billion in new revenues.

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