California’s AB2110 (Eggman) is set for a hearing in either of two committees on April 9. So our urgent request is to FAX (yup—FAX) your letter or statement of support to the appropriate chairs as shown on the WORD templates that you can download HERE and HERE. Please email me a copy so I can get your letter through to the right people even if the fax doesn’t work.
While it’s always best to make your letter your own, the template is great if you are pressed for time.
Opponents from OEMS are pulling out all the stops to stop AB2110 from moving through committee. Its our job to convince legislators that Right to Repair moves out of committee and up for a vote.
We are up against CompTIA, AHAM (appliances), AHRI (Airconditioning), ESA (Entertainment software) CTA, CTIA, ITI, Internet Coalition, NetChoice, NEMA (engine manufacturers) PRBA (rechargeable batteries), Security Industry Association, SPSC, TechNet, TIA, the Toy Association, the California Chamber of Commerce, CMTA and the Internet Association plus John Deere and Apple. (who mostly funded all the previous)
Any questions? Just reach out to Gay at (text/call) 201-747-4022 or e-mail
Adam Wolf Gay Gordon-Byrne
President Executive Director
NWIDA The Repair Association