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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Big News about CDI from CES!

CES NWIDAOne of the most exciting stories at CES this year was the acquisition of Corporate Dynamics, Inc. by ACCENT Ventures, LLC and the announcement of two new services that can dramatically improve the performance and profits of wireless dealers, master agents, MVNOs and carriers.

NWIDA previewed these services and here’s what we saw:

• A New Interactive Digital Display system that delivers high quality training to front line Managers & Reps, improves the consistency and speed of store communications, assesses execution, measures results and does it all at a much lower cost than conventional methods!  AND…

• A New Outbound Customer Contact service for increasing satisfaction, meeting customer call requirements more professionally, boosting store traffic and setting in-store appointments to make more sales!

CDI and Accent Ventures – together – will offer the most comprehensive set of services for improving the performance of front line Store Managers and sales personnel.

When added to CDI’s robust portfolio of consultative services, wireless training, and sales/management strategies, CDI is the undisputed leader in providing training, consulting and call center services to the wireless industry.

NWIDA is pleased to add Corporate Dynamics and ACCENT Ventures to our growing list of Supplier Partners for 2020.

For more information on how CDI’s new services might apply to your business, contact CDI President (and NWIDA Board Member), Mark Landiak via email at or at 919-694-3298 ext 145.

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