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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Best Cellular Tells Customers To Port Out

We’ve known the CEO of Best Cellular (Curtis McCoy) for a number of years – and he’s not only one of the best in the business, but honest and ALWAYS does what’s best for his customers.

So, it’s not really a shock when we saw a post from Best MVNO and a screen shot of a Facebook post by Best Cellular telling their customers it may be best for them to leave.

So, while T-Mobile and Dish argue over if the End-of-Life date for the CDMA network will be pushed back, T-Mobile continues to dismantle it, cell by cell, every day. In fact, it wasn’t so long ago that Neville Ray said the decommissioning of the cells was happening faster than planned. It may not matter if they turn off the CDMA switches… there simply may not be any CDMA cell sites left. 

These “unplanned” outages T-Mobile seems to be causing to force Sprint customers to switch to their lower quality (more profitable) network are not only inconvenient, but someone could die if they need help and cannot place a call!

Best Cellular customers are our friends, neighbors, and family.
These “unplanned” outages are getting more and more frequent… It’s getting worse (not better).

For 10 years, Best Cellular has offered local, American customer service and access to the best networks Nationwide.

Still, I wouldn’t have stayed with us after T-Mobile bought Sprint if I didn’t own the company.

I hate to tell people to port out of Best Cellular, but we’ve spent a lot of time trying to find the best option for our customers. This is what I would switch to if I were dealing with the loss of service over & over again:
Verizon and AT&T -BOTH- have WiFi calling and roaming. You can bring your own phone & I don’t think there’s any contract unless you finance a new phone through them. (*Note: We’re only offering helpful suggestions. You need to decide which carrier you want to switch to!)

I hate telling people to leave our company, but WE VALUE PEOPLE OVER PROFITS and this industry is getting worse by the day.

Rory manages the Verizon store on 12th & Patterson in Grand Junction. This is what they came up with for Best Cellular customers who switch to Verizon. (I would stay far away from T-Mobile at all costs).

This will end our business, but it’s the right thing to do.

We know God has a plan, and His plan is perfect!
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