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AG Barr: The US Should Buy Nokia or Ericsson

Bill Barr - AG - NWIDAAccording to an article in LightReading (link below) US Attorney General William Barr has suggested the US purchases a controlling stake in either Nokia or Ericsson for access to secure 5G equipment.

Barr also said that another recently introduced White House proposal on 5G was unworkable and “pie in the sky.” That proposal, floated just a few days ago by White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow, calls for the US government to invest in software developed for 5G by US-based companies.

Barr said:

What we need today is a product that can win contracts right now — a proven infrastructure that network operators will make a long-term commitment to today. In other words, we need a product that can blunt and turnaround Huawei’s momentum currently.

Citing a person familiar with the matter, the WSJ reported that White House officials have discussed incentives for US private equity firms to buy stakes in Ericsson or Nokia.

“The big-picture concept is to have all of the US 5G architecture and infrastructure done by American firms, principally,” Kudlow told the WSJ. “That also could include Nokia and Ericsson because they have big US presences.”

Barr spent much of his speech outlining the threats that China and Huawei pose to the West’s economy and 5G specifically. He said Western nations need to unite against such threats as they did during World War II and the Cold War.

Read the entire article here

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