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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Adderton Sets up Legal Task Force to Work with Legislators

NWIDA is working with Peter Adderton in his efforts to get a conclusive answer and result regarding the fate of Boost, Virgin and Metro if the Sprint/T-Mobile merger goes through.

Today, Peter Adderton announced he has retained the services of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP to represent his concerns regarding the proposed merger of Sprint and T-Mobile.

Jack Quinn will lead the Manatt team. Quinn is a partner in both the government and litigation practices. Quinn earlier served as Counsel to the President of the United States. In that role, he advised and counseled President Bill Clinton and all senior White House staff on a wide range of legal matters related to policy and legislation.

Other members of the Manatt team include Gregg Nunziata and Lisl Dunlop. Nunziata previously served as general counsel and a senior domestic policy advisor to Sen. Marco Rubio, including during the senator’s presidential and re-election campaigns, and prior to that held several senior Republican counsel positions on Capitol Hill. Lisl Dunlop advises leading U.S. and multinational companies on a broad range of antitrust counseling, antitrust litigation and transactional matters, and has represented major corporations in complex antitrust litigations.

“There are some significant issues with the proposed Sprint and T-Mobile merger as currently structured, and on behalf of American wireless subscribers, the prepaid mobile sector, the hundreds of MVNOs who rely on these two carriers, and the tens of thousands of independent wireless dealers across this country who will be negatively affected by this deal, our team is geared up and ready to fight for their protection,” stated Adderton.

You can read the entire release HERE

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