We are NWIDA – the national wireless dealer network. NWIDA is the National Wireless Independent Dealer Association and we’re specifically designed for you.
We’re here to help you grow your business.
Industry Voice:
Many times, especially with pending industry legislation, one solid voice is best. NWIDA is that voice for the independent wireless dealer. There are over 40,000 dealers in the US, We make sure your voice is heard in mission-critical issues – like the Sprint/T-Mobile merger and industry friendly legislation like Right-to-Repair.
By joining with other organizations like Repair.org and other concerned people (like Peter Adderton), we reach out to legislators across the country supporting your best interests. Together, NWIDA adds a strong voice, making sure your concerns are heard.
In addition, NWIDA members enjoy:
- Discounts:
Our wireless dealer members receive discounts on the products and services used and needed every day. Payroll processing, Human Resources, Benefits, Marketing, Business Phone systems, Signage and much, much more. - Knowledge:
Learn more, earn more. As a NWIDA member, you have access to our Board of Advisers and Directors. Ask questions of other members in our moderated forum. Join our seminars and webinars and get the answers you seek. - Intermediary Assistance:
Have an issue with your Master Agent or Vendor? See how we can help!
We don’t sell phones, parts or accessories. However, you can find those on THE LIST – our growing and comprehensive listing and rating guide to phones, parts and accessory suppliers – as well as Master Agents. It’s free to use and anyone can search and read THE LIST but only our members can rate and rank the businesses.
Join us today. If you have any questions, just let us know.