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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Roadshow Sponsorship Info

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the 2019 NWIDA/WiBOC Roadshows.

Please click HERE to download the PDF

ORIGIN: We had a “test” presentation at CES to Boost and Sprint dealers. It was really well attended and well received. We gave a thorough update on the merger and showed dealers how to put their business in the best position regardless of the outcome. We will use the same content (with some updates) in the Road Show.

MARKETING: We will be marketing to these dealers directly, via email and social media. Our emails will go directly to these branded dealers and will include links to all sponsors. We’ll also be creating a virtual exhibit featuring all sponsors on the WiBOC Virtual Showcase and be directing traffic there. Our sponsors will also be inviting their customers/prospects which should drive attendance. The big reach will be with the Pre- and Post- email and social media coverage which we expect to reach 15,000+ doors.

TARGET MARKETS: We will be targeting owners of the Top 5 largest dealers in each market for each carrier. We also expect a good number of the smaller dealers to show up. We had 30 register for our Vegas session, so if we get 20-30 at the Boost/Sprint event, that would be a good estimate. We’ll find out as they start to register in the next 2 weeks.

For the Metro / T-Mobile sessions, I expect bigger numbers because they will be bringing managers as well. The seminar WiBOC did in Tampa last year drew 60 registrations and 40+ attendees. We’re looking for 30-40 on these events.

ADDITIONAL LOCATIONS: Our target is 30 events in 15 cities by year end, so the marketing campaign will provide a lot of exposure.

FLEXIBILITY: If your company would like to have a presence at an event, but aren’t able to be present, you can still participate:

  • If you cannot attend, we will place whatever info you send us at “your” table and draw attention to it during the day.
  • We will raffle off any “Give-a-ways” you have, which is always good for add’l exposure.
  • We will include a slide to promote your services and we will learn the elevator speech to tell the audience as well as show off a product or two along with your value proposition.
  • If you have some Sales Strategies that you want to share with the audience, we will credit your company as the source and include an email or phone contact at the bottom of the slide.
  • As appropriate, we will refer to your company IN the presentation and use your products in our examples/demos to the extent that is possible.
  • Every participating Supplier will be listed on a Sponsor Contact List that will be provided to each attendee.
  • WiBOC will create a “booth” on their Virtual Supplier Showcase on

Additional Promotion and Value: Each sponsor will receive an attendee list for each event sponsored.

We will “share” any social media you do on your end about your participation at the event and encourage all our suppliers to invite their dealers to the event.

Each Sponsor will receive some free passes to give your owners as a value added from your company.

Our pre and post show marketing will reflect your participation as a Sponsor and reach thousands of dealers.

Please click HERE to download the PDF

If you would like additional information on attending the Roadshow (as a dealer), please click here.


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