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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Phone Experience Program

If you’re a Phone Manufacturer, NWIDA has a benefit just for you.

We’re calling it the Phone Experience program, and it provides phone manufacturers the opportunity to get their product into the hands of actual dealers.

It consists of what we call the SALES Experience and the USER Experience. In summary, they work like this:

You provide at least one model of phone and at least 2 units.

  • USER Experience: Store owner agrees to use the phone for 2 weeks and complete a survey about how the phone performed.
  • SALES Experience – Store owner sells the phone to the customer. Report includes price sold, customer impressions of the phone, comments on returns (if any.)

Both can include 4 custom questions provided by you.

This is an incredible opportunity not only to get “real-world” feedback on your phones, but to get the phones into the hands of the dealers, increasing brand awareness. These dealers will know about the phone because they will have used/sold them!

For more information, please contact us or complete the form below:



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