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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Sennco – Security for your Store’s Devices

Retail Security for the Wireless Industry

If you need to secure the devices you sell in your store, you need Sennco. They specialize in retail security strategies that don’t interfere with the customer experience. In fact, many of their solutions enhance it.

Their security solutions helped Dixons in the UK reduce their shrinkage by over 80% in one year.

Their BricTECH security software locks a device and renders it useless if it has been stolen. It is a benefit denial product that removes theft incentive, keeping your inventory off the black market.
Their Heavy Duty Lock Down system allows customers to experience the device while it is protected by steel brackets. These displays are built to withstand up to 500 pounds of force.

The brackets are adjustable – resulting in a lower cost of ownership. Retailers don’t have to purchase multiple brackets for various phone models.

The system features a quick, clean release, allowing you to efficiently remove the devices to be stored in a secure area overnight, without damage. In the morning, the devices can be replaced and secured on display without the use of a key very quickly.

    NWIDA members save big and receive Key Account pricing on every order!

    Questions? Contact Chris at 815-577-3400 extension 126 or email him at


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