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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Accessories and Ancillary Products

Eternity Wireless - NWIDA

Eternity Wireless, founded in 2001, has been a leader in the market for the distribution of branded accessories, OEM accessories, and aftermarket complementary device products.

We focus on curating exactly what our customers need, with dedicated sales representatives, customized sales programs, client base pricing, quick turnarounds, manufacturing our own in-house brand, and so much more.

Our relationships with our customers and brand partners have helped us build and maintain the success of Eternity Wireless. We take great pride in our work and strive to exceed our customers’ expectations!

NWIDA member offer receive $50 off their first order of $250+ or $25 off their first order of $150-$249 AND 10% off every subsequent order.

Why Eternity Wireless? 

  • Top Brands, Excellent Pricing!
  • Programs, Promotions and Sales Contests!
    • Marketing/Merchandising
      • Access to branded marketing materials
    • Sales and Product Training
    • Support Options:
      • Live customer support
      • Multi-location inventory assistance
      • Blind drop shipping – COMING SOON!

    Not yet a NWIDA member? Join today to start saving!

    For more details on Eternity Wireless, call them at (833) 594-0361 or email them at – tell them NWIDA sent you!


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