Qualified employers can claim up to $26,000 for each employee.
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The Employment Retention Tax Credit (ERC) is a stimulus program designed to help those businesses that were able to retain their employees during the Covid-19 pandemic. Established by the CARES Act, it is a refundable tax credit – a grant, not a loan – that you can claim for your business.

Who can get ERC Funds?
Businesses qualify by confirming a reduction in revenue in any quarter during 2020 or 2021 as compared to 2019, or by demonstrating a full or partial disruption to business operations resulting from a governmental COVID related order.
Business owners have up to five years to file an amended tax return and retroactively claim the ERTC. Don’t miss out on this valuable tax tool to help your business regain its post-pandemic footing.
How can I get more information?
Click here, complete the form below or call Strike Tax Advisory at 208-268-6474