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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

T-Mobile Pushes Back EoL for 3G

Sprint / T-Mobile Merger (NWIDA)T-Mobile said it will delay its planned shutdown of Sprint’s 3G network by three months to ensure its “partners” have time to help customers with the transition. The new date is now March 31st, 2022.
Of course, this may or may not stop them from decommissioning individual cell sites, which they have done since the merger completion. In fact, in the past, Neville Ray has bragged how that has been moving faster than anticipated. 

“Recently it’s become increasingly clear that some of those partners haven’t followed through on their responsibility to help their customers through this shift,” the company said in a statement. “So, we’re stepping up on their behalf.”

One of the conditions of the T-Mobile/Sprint Merger, was Dish acquiring Boost Mobile, with the plan of Dish taking the place as a fourth wireless carrier in the US. After T-Mobile announced it planned to shut down Sprint’s CDMA network, Dish chairman Charlie Ergen compared T-Mobile to the Grinch, and later said his company was making every effort to migrate its customers.

The DoJ told Dish Network and T-Mobile in a July letter that it had “grave concerns” about the shutdown of Sprint’s legacy network, and urged both sides to take “all appropriate steps” to reduce the impact on customers who still rely on the network.


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