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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

More LYCA news

LYCA NWIDA Remember this post about LYCA leaving T-Mobile? Well, NWIDA was told – at the recent All Wireless & Prepaid Expo – that we were correct! An anonymous source confirmed the following:
• LYCA has signed a deal with AT&T
• T-Mobile has extended their deal with LYCA – but for only 1 year!

LYCA is one of the oldest MVNOs in the US and has over 400,000 customers. They will have a real project ahead of them – if their goal is to move their current base off the T-Mobile network. Many of their older customers have phones that may not be compatible with the AT&T network – and if they want to move over they’ll need to replace them. And, apparently 1 year to do so.

We will, of course, continue to monitor this and update when we get additional information.


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