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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

Let’s Go NY – R2R Needs YOU!

Repair - Right to Repair - NWIDAOur friends at have let us know that New York State now has matching bills in both houses of the legislature, with S4104 in the Senate, and A7006 in the Assembly

If you live in NY, or you know anyone who does, now’s the time to get involved. There are already 9 cosponsors in the Senate and 34 in the Assembly, making this bill primed for a floor vote and ultimate passage. In order for us to win, legislators will need to hear from YOU (their constituents.) You can make your voice heard by calling or writing today! 

And, makes it easy — and free.  

Just go to and tell your legislators why you need them to pass Digital Fair Repair. 

Act quickly! We’ve got about two weeks left to get the job done. 

If you don’t live in New York, you can still help out! Forward this message to anyone you know, share on social media, etc. Everything helps! 

NWIDA members, contact us today if you need our assistance and if you’re not yet a member, we invite you to join today.
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