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National Wireless Independent Dealer Association

FCC says it needs more time to review Sprint-T-Mobile deal

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The FCC says it needs more time to review the Sprint-T-Mobile deal, the agency said in a letter to the companies Tuesday.

The agency has paused an “informal” 180-day transaction clock “to allow for thorough staff and third-party review” of recently submitted materials.
The companies announced that they would merge last April in a bid to cut costs and combine forces to develop a next-generation network called 5G, which would provide faster speeds, more capacity and lower response times.

But the companies could encounter hurdles to gaining regulatory approval for the tie-up. A deal between T-Mobile and Sprint, who are the third largest and fourth largest wireless carriers in the United States by subscribers, previously faced opposition from antitrust regulators under President Barack Obama’s administration.

The full letter can be found, with the entire CNBC article HERE.

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